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Writer's pictureCindy-Ann Boisson

phew, what a time to be alive

Do you know what rhymes with Christmas and carnival? Cocktails and comedy!

Snag your tickets TODAY! THEN read this blog! Do it!

Picture this. You arrive at Central Bank Auditorium on November 20, 2022 at about 4pm(ish). As you enter you are greeted with warm smiles and a nice cold glass of somet'ing nice to drink. In the background you hear the sweet sounds of parang music by Cinco Mas Dos and you cannot help but dance!

The lime going real good!

You are then escorted inside of the auditorium.

And just like the that the show starts ON TIME. No, for real. Ask anyone who has ever been to one of our shows. We doh make joke! We start on TIME and it's nonstop entertainment.

Your host for the evening Peter Kelly puts you at ease and sets the for an unforgettable evening.

Kyle Groom takes the stage! It's his first time visiting Trinidad and Tobago but he is no stranger to the stage...The Chapelle Show, Def Comedy Jam, HBO! He's ready to lime with the Trini posse and the posse is ready for some deep down belly laughter.


Kyle exits the stage and you feel physically exhausted from laughing...but the de ting now start!! Peter ushers in Keba Music. A daughter of the soul. Keba delivers chune after chune after chune and although your cheeks and stomach hurt and from laughing you cannot help but sing out loud (totally out of key....but no one cares! It's that kinda vibe).


Keba leaves you humming and smiling as you turn to the person next to you and say....'She could sing eh?' Peter returns to the stage and introduces your headliner Cindy-Ann Boisson. You cannot believe there is more to come!

Cindy-Ann walks out and talks about life and love and bacchanal. You and your friends sit back and enjoy the ole talk.


Two hours later you CANNOT believe the show is over. WHAT?!?!? Daiz it?!?!?

As you exit the auditorium you think...THIS was real real nice! Ah so glad I came.

You spend the rest of your life completely unbothered...feeling a feeling babaaay

See you on November 20, 2022.


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